For my second challenge of the 100 days project, I decide to fold 100 flags from the world out of Origami by using my own interpretation.
I was enthusiastic about this project because there are so many Flags and they are attractive with their bright colours and symbols.
At the start, I was having fun making the flags how they visually looked.
But due to the nature of flags having to be able to identify easily, many of their designs were simple forms of lines. Soon it became challenging to try folding each one more fun and meaningfully, and also capturing the right essence of the country.
So I started researching the history behind each country and what the colours and symbols represented in their nations and their diversity.
As the days went by, I became more experimental with the shapes and forms and was able to start thinking outside the box.
100 days of repeating the same task are much harder than you can imagine, but it taught me a valuable lesson that the best way isn’t always the easy way but there is always a solution if you keep pushing. Such a fantastic project to be part of again. Thank you!