Ria Bailey


I love drawing on location and capturing stories of daily life and the world around me on paper.

As an urban sketcher, I always carry a sketchbook with me in case I see something interesting to draw at the side of the road, in a cafe or on public transport. The pandemic brought all that to a halt though... I decided to take part in the 100 Day Project because I was becoming bored and uninspired drawing things in my apartment during lockdown, and I thought this would be a great way to inject some creativity and colour into my days.

As a keen scuba diver, I chose nudibranchs (aka sea slugs) as my theme. With over 3000 different known species of nudibranchs, I figured they were the perfect inspiration for this project because they come in so many different colours and patterns. I put no other rules or limits in place for myself - I just had to pick a nudi and have fun playing with colour combinations and materials, and I used whatever material I felt like on the day.

Using a range of different tools and materials, including watercolour, gouache, ink, colour pencils and collage, my project introduced viewers to the beauty, intrigue and wonder of the humble sea slug! It also provided an element of creative routine and a spark of colour to the strange, humdrum days of the numerous strict lockdowns we had in Malaysia, and allowed me to connect with other creatives all over the world...and for that I am very grateful.
